The five eLearning trends presented here are the hottest trends taking the eLearning industry by storm. These trends are being further pushed forward by Millennials, the tech-savvy generation that carry smartphones with them everywhere they are. Those that utilize these intelligent solutions will certainly reap the rewards.
Technology is playing a bigger role in higher education than ever before. Tools like electronic assignment submission, plagiarism checkers, and online lectures are becoming so effective, that the benefits of a traditional university education are diminishing.
Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOC’s – affordable online classes that are easily scalable as enrollment increases, are some of the ways in which Universities are responding to this trend. Despite its benefits, this trend is having unintended consequences that we will see in the coming year.
The rise of big data capabilities gives executives in every industry new insights on the future, and helps them make smarter decisions. Now that these tools exist, executives face a new challenge: encouraging employees to make the most of them.
In our latest eBook, “5 eLearning Trends That Are Dominating 2016,” we introduce the most important processes in the eLearning field today, and share suggestions and ideas on how to simplify the onboarding process and shorten the learning curve.
To download the eBook “5 eLearning Trends That Are Dominating 2016,” simply fill in this form:
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