3 Tips on Improving Customer Software Onboarding
I decided for a bit of a change of pace today. Instead of talking about the issues that revolve around training employees, I thought I would provide my thoughts on a different – though in many ways surprisingly similar – process. That is, of onboarding new customers to your software product. It’s similar in the end because you’re still talking about education. You’re still truing to discover the most effective ways to make the learning and orientation process a) as smooth and memorable as possible and b) leave a lasting impact. I hope to have a couple of more article on the topic of customer softare onboarding in the coming weeks.
It is during the onboarding time frame (the first 90 days) when a company has the chance to determine whether or not its new customer will stay loyal to its products and services. This is why companies must come up with top-notch onboarding tactics that are based on thorough research. In order for the onboarding strategy to be efficient, it has to be customer-oriented and it has to encompass several different notions: for instance, the customer must feel appreciated. If you want to make the best of your onboarding strategy yet you do not know where to start from, then the following hints should help you:
1. Use Online Guidance
Online guidance tools are self-service programs that allow users to guide themselves through the process of familiarizing themselves with the new software. WalkMe, for instance, is a very effective option, as it allows both companies to overlay on-screen tutorials into their websites and applications. So for example, if you want to provide your new customer with an easy introduction to your software, WalkMe enables you to provide step-by-step visual demonstrations of how to perform any tasks, complex or simple.
This can turn out to be highly beneficial for customers during the onboarding process, as it can help them become familiar with your products and services without having to call the support center whenever they have a problem. At the same time, online guidance tools also benefit your company as you will minimize the costs and diminish the workload of the call center employees.
2. Make It Personal – Stay In Touch With Your Customers
Attracting new customers can be difficult, but the real challenge is to keep them engaged, interested and satisfied in the long haul. While it is true that a company’s relationship with its customers is usually a formal one, it is important to know when to switch to the semi-formal/informal approach. People are human beings, so address them accordingly and make sure to constantly ask for feedback on their experience with your company. This way, they will feel valued and appreciated.
3. Keep It Simple!
The more difficult the process, the more likely it is that the user will stop using your services before he even starts to! Nobody likes to feel useless, this is why it is important to minimize the actions that stand between the company and your new prospect’s first time experience as a user. You can easily do this by choosing a user-friendly, easy-to-navigate, comprehensive software interface that will help the user signup quickly and effortlessly.