5 Employee Training Lessons I Learned From Google News

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Depending on your vocation, the word “training” can conjure a drastically different picture. For me, working in a software company, training refers to software adoption and engagement. But training is a much larger concept than what I deal with in my day-to-day. Inspired by a Google News search for “training” (that came up with absolutely zero results in the first several pages related to employee software adoption) in this article, I zoom out and take a look at what is happening in the news and what we can learn from the many aspects of training in other industries.

1. Train for Every Scenario

Only one in ten medical emergency calls is for a child. This leaves the Littleton Fire Rescue Staff with less experience in handling some of the more challenging calls they receive. By using a $30,000 training doll, the fire fighters are able to practice their responses to tragic and life-threatening scenarios.   Takeaway: Train for 100% of the job, not just what occupies 90% of employees’ time. Develop training programs for the entire job so that employees are not left clueless at a time when they need a specific but less demanded skill most.

2. New Initiatives Create Controversy

Previously barred from joining combat units, women are now training to be on the front lines of the United States military. The women featured in this story are among the first to break the mold and undergo a tougher training regimen than previously allowed. Takeaway: New is often controversial, but if the opportunity is open, you’re bound to find those daring enough to work for it. As your company changes and adapts, your training program should as well. This is sure to be met with resistance, but resistance doesn’t necessarily mean failure.

3. Collaborate With Training Peers

Google’s maze-like game platform, used for experimenting and training artificial intelligence technologies, has been released for public use. Researchers and developers will be able to use the platform to test their own technologies. Takeaway: There is a wealth of information available for training professionals to use, even if you are training human intelligence rather than artificial. By making your training methods available for the public, and learning from others, you’ll be able to push innovation in employee training further.

4. Be Ready for Employee Training to Change

STEM teacher, Elaine Manton, wants her pupils to be ready to take on jobs that do not yet exist. Her belief is that the digital revolution is changing the roles students will take on at a faster rate than we can prepare them for, so the skills instilled in the classroom ought to be based on creative problem solving. This way students will be able to take on whatever the future has in store for them. Takeaway: What works now will likely be obsolete in the future. Adopting advanced training technologies and methods now is necessary to keep up with the competition, and the market. In addition to the training methods you employ, be on the lookout for what new skills are needed as well.

5. Stay Focused to Get Results

Nike has released a new campaign of snarky videos, titled “Time is Precious” that aims to sum up all the media we would consume while wasting time looking at our screens. The point of these basic, but punctual videos is to motivate viewers to get off their phones, step away from the laptop and get back to training. Takeaway: You can’t get better if you’re distracted. Whether you have a classroom style training environment or use mobile apps to train, be aware and take action to get employees focused on learning new skills, improving their abilities, and bettering their productivity.
And with this final lesson, I’m sure you are ready to close this blog and get back to work. Just be sure to subscribe to the Training Station newsletter before you go to receive more insightful and productive training information.
Jason is the Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog. Jason established the Training Station blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to training, learning and development.