Online Training Increases Productivity, But How?

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Online training is a rising initiative that has gained prominence in today’s technologically advanced society. Learners continually seek innovative solutions that meet their flexible needs and requirements. Online training fits the bill, offering a range of benefits that can be leveraged for an enhanced learning experience. That doesn’t mean conventional learning environments are obsolete though. In fact, a combination of different methods is arguably the most useful approach. Diversity can increase retention by sufficiently engaging the learner. When leveraged alongside other methods, online learning increases productivity in the workplace, but employees who have grown accustomed to traditional learning can be a bit skeptical. This is understanding, especially when its human nature to resist the unknown. But taking a leap of faith and embracing online learning might be one of the best decisions you ever make. So if online learning increases productivity, how exactly does it? Read on to find out and you’ll be encouraged by these great benefits:

5 Ways Online Training Increases Productivity

1. Work Life / Balance

Online learning is renowned for its flexibility. Learners can absorb information at their own leisure, from any location. This has many positive implications, where learners can revisit material as they see fit, and even engage in learning outside of work. This is advantageous with regards to scheduling. When organizations are busy, it’s more convenient to defer training until a more suitable time. This differs from conventional learning, which is naturally more regimented. Conventional learning must be scheduled, paid for, and classroom resources must be secured for a set time. If booked in advance there is little room for maneuverability, but fortunately online learning overcomes this obstacle. This increases productivity, allowing employees to focus on more important tasks until time is freed for training. This is facilitated by the presence of digital, pre-recorded resources which are easily accessible.

2. Retention

When employees commit to online learning they’ll retain more information, and this increases productivity. When regularly involved in progressive training initiatives, staff will be incentivized to work in accordance with company objectives. They’ll appreciate the company investing in their development, and this will increase their motivation to reach targets. When employees feel valued they’ll naturally work harder, and this increases productivity significantly. Staff will reward companies with loyalty, which additionally decreases employee turnover. Creating a stable learning environment is advantageous, with numerous transferable benefits.

3. Metrics

Online learning offers multiple methods for tracking training progress. This differs from conventional learning, where learners have to wait to receive feedback on assessments. In the online environment feedback is instant, which gives learners a chance to reflect when content is still fresh in their mind. There are also advanced metrics for determining both the success of programs and participants. These metrics highlight target areas of improvement, identifying areas of weakness learners should focus on. Additionally, organizations can determine how to better conduct training going forward. Metrics can be used to give learners an opportunity to document their learning experience. They can give feedback on what they liked about the course, and how they think it should be altered. Online learning provides equal opportunity, avoids favoritism, and can easily generate office population statistics. These collective pieces of information can be used to enhance the learning experience going forward.

4. Engagement

Online learning methods can incorporate various interactive elements which keep the learner engaged, from the onset of onboarding to the daily learning routines of staff. Learning resources are usually presented in an attractive way. This appeals to the learner’s sensory perception, and is intriguing enough to retain their attention. Online learning uses a combination of video, text, and audio. This enhances the learning process considerably, and breaks the common association that learning is boring. From the new skill sets employees acquire they’ll gain new purpose, and their roles instantly become more meaningful as they competently take on new duties. They’ll be more committed to their role, and probably enjoy their job with newfound confidence. This stresses the importance of enabling learners to utilize their skill set in the aftermath of training. Otherwise, why invest in their development in the first place?

5. Career Advancement

The flexibility of online learning gives participants a better chance to advance in their careers. In years past there was less scope for employees to learn new things. That’s because the overwhelming demands of daily duties were a top priority. The same might be true today, except participants can engage in learning outside of work. This means they can continue working, retaining their job stability while learning externally. By fitting eLearning around a work schedule, employees can develop their understanding and be better positioned to take on new responsibilities. They’ll stand a better chance of being promoted, especially considering they’ve combined practical work experience with online training. If you’ve been skeptical about online learning, hopefully you now understand the benefits of deploying eLearning as part of your organization’s L&D strategy.
Jason is the Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog. Jason established the Training Station blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to training, learning and development.