Define Time Management: How to Improve Your Time Management Skills At Work

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Time, don’t you wish you could get it back? It is a resource more precious than gold. Money can be regained, but once time is gone it’s gone forever. Isn’t this enough of an incentive to manage your time better? Managing your time effectively is a tried and tested method for improving productivity in the workplace. Realizing there is always room for improvement is a great place to start. With a willing approach to changing the status quo, you’ll be much better positioned to allocate time efficiently. Embrace a cycle of never-ending improvement. This will evolve on a near daily basis, so don’t be deterred when you struggle to keep up! What’s most important is you’re willing and ready to adapt to new ways of doing things. Better time management will lead to better results, providing you emphasize behavioral changes. To improve you must address your thinking processes. This might require taking some time to evaluate your everyday routine, and a commitment to more than writing a new schedule. Before we get to some great methods for making your workday more productive, let’s define time management so we’re on the same page:

Define Time Management: An Overview

Though there are many definition for something that’s arguably self-explanatory, time management relates to a user’s ability to manage time in a productive fashion. Employees will typically manage time better by leveraging tools to improve efficiency, while engaging in practices like planning, delegating, and scheduling. Maximizing your personal efficiency is all part and parcel with the process. From an all-encompassing perspective, time management is more than a tool, but a method for happiness. This influences so much more than the workspace, but is deeply rooted in the way we conduct ourselves on a daily basis. It is about establishing a work-life balance, so we understand how to make optimal lifestyle choices. If you’re interested in learning more about time management, by all means do. It really is a spectrum with many definitions. Simply type ‘define time management’ into Google and you’ll realize just how deep it gets! Now we’ve established a base definition, let’s take a look at how you can improve time management.

Three Great Ways To Improve Time Management

1. Set Goals

Time is a constant, so it can’t be managed on its own. Time management is all about figuring out how to use your time effectively, and this for the most part is achieved with appropriate goal setting. Employees are driven by individual goals and targets. These motivate us, while helping us work at a pace and efficiency that’s conducive to improving employee performance. Goals are essential if we’re to progress in the workplace, and can unlock close to our true potential. Otherwise you’d have nothing to aim at. Utilizing your time in alignment with goals, to serve your goals, is a highly beneficial approach to time management. Goals help you determine target areas, while helping you establish priorities. This is achieved by assessing how each activity brings you one step closer to achieving your goals. Focusing your time on areas of critical attention is important. This is a simplistic approach which is often effective too, and is to be promoted as a crucial component of any training procedure. Goal setting should extend beyond money considerations too. Money isn’t the only means for achieving your goals, in fact there are many factors to weigh up. What’s most important is you do things that add value. Remember though, setting goals is one thing, but do you have the motivation to stick to them?

2. Motivation

You can set all the goals in the world, but without proper motivation they’ll be non-existent. Instilling motivation in your team should begin early, where there’s no harm in using an effective, motivational onboarding process. Lack of motivation is a typical productivity killer, one which can eat into time and contribute to goals not being met as planned. A lack of motivation can come from anywhere, whether it’s tiredness, poor diet, or a lacking mental attitude. In order to take action and manage your time more effectively, you should source motivation from within. Self-motivation will give you that boost you need to keep going, to meet targets rather than succumbing to distractions. As you progress in your job role, there’ll be fewer people to hold you accountable. At this stage you must be self-motivated, gaining newfound responsibility for your own results. Lack of self-motivation can generate more pressure and stress. Job roles are less defined than they’ve ever been, but it’s about doing more than what you assume is expected from you. By doing so you’ll manage time better and succeed in life as a result. Having the motivation to work is more important than goals and priorities, where you’ll need a foundation on which solid ground can be built.

3. Prioritize

Ranking your goals in order of importance will help set important priorities. In fact, it’s vital you understand your priorities during the goal setting process, since this will provide a level of clarity which is immeasurable. Understanding what needs to be done, what is most urgent, and where you should begin is a huge element of time management. Many fail to set their priorities until it’s too late. A close assessment of your to-do list will probably identify some items which should never have made it there! Prioritization begins by eliminating tasks which don’t contribute real value to the process. Avoid tasks you shouldn’t be performing, and instead switch your focus onto crucial ones. You can then complete your work scope to the best of your ability. You might not discover the most time effective method straight away, but always remain open to new ways of doing things. Remember there’s more than one way to skin a cat, and you’ll develop the best ways of doing things with time.
Jason is the Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog. Jason established the Training Station blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to training, learning and development.