How to Develop an Organizational Training Strategy in 2 phases

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In order to develop an effective organizational training strategy, it’s important to follow a process that will help to identify the core requirements of your organization in terms of personnel training and qualifications. This process can typically be broken down into two phases. The first phase involves creating an effective training plan, while the second phase involves complete strategic implementation. Although this may sound relatively simple, both phases actually involve a lot of work and analysis. With regards to the first phase, developing an effective training plan for your overall development strategy will require your company to look at its needs, goals and available resources. As for implementation, this phase will require constant monitoring, revisions and verifications. So if you want to create an effective organizational training strategy for your company then here’s what you need to do.

Developing an Organizational Training Plan

The first phase of developing an organizational training strategy is establishing the employee training plan itself. This plan will effectively cover all of the theoretical needs of your organization with regards to personnel development. Furthermore, it will also cover your training strategy’s goals as well as their effects on your personnel’s competencies. Here is a breakdown of all the various aspects of developing an effective employee training plan. Identifying critical personnel training needs is the first step in developing a training plan. This process usually involves analyzing technological trends, market research, competitive strategy analysis and anything else that involves identifying what your company needs in terms of personnel training. A couple of examples of this process are interviews and focus groups. By interviewing prospective trainees and personnel, your company will be able to identify prospective trainees among your personnel. On the other hand, focus groups will be tasked to analyze those areas of your organization which require personnel who have better skill sets or additional qualifications. Establishing Your Organizational Training Strategy’s Development Gaps A development gap is your training plan’s time frame. It’s the plan that will get your organization’s trainees from point A to point B, along with the amount of time required to do it. By establishing a development gap, your company will be able to set up a feasible framework for your training strategy, thus making the whole process easier to manage.

Setting Up Organizational Training Goals

Training goals are basically the training objectives of your training strategy. For example, what kind of competencies and qualifications would you like your trainees to have, or how many personnel does your organization need to train annually in order to meet its strategic training goals? By addressing these kinds of questions, your organization will be able to maintain a good training plan.

Creating a Training Action Plan

Your organization’s training action plan is basically your implementation strategy. It involves making sure that the training strategy has access to the necessary funds as well as making the necessary preparations for acquiring the necessary resources, instructors and venues to implement the actual training process. Take note that a training plan is not the same as your organization’s overall training strategy. Although they are interrelated, it’s better to think of the former as the theoretical components of the latter.


The second part of developing an organizational training strategy is implementation, and this process will involve all of the critical work necessary to make sure that the overall training strategy is put into practice. Like the training plan, implementing your organization’s training strategy may also involve several phases and process. These usually include:

Monitoring the Training of Trainees and Personnel

This process is typically carried out by training personnel and officers, and it’s goal is to make sure that the training strategy is achieving those goals that it is meant to achieve. To a lesser extent, it also seeks to measure the responsiveness of the trainees to their training.

Training Evaluation

This part of the implementation process involves assessing and verifying the effectiveness of the training strategy as a whole. Evaluations are also meant to measure the aggregate results of the training, and their overall effects on the organization. This information will then be used to analyze the effectiveness of the training strategy itself in order to make improvements where possible.

Making Revisions to the Training Plan

In the event that the organizational training strategy is not meeting some of its objectives, or if some of those objectives have become obsolete or redundant in the course of implementation, then a few revisions to the training plan will be necessary to ensure the continued success of the training strategy.


Organizational development requires a good training strategy. This training strategy can take on all kinds of characteristics, but ultimately, it must service the development needs of the organization, such as increased competency in critical areas, direct work experience for new personnel or simply an all-around well-trained staff. So in developing an organizational training strategy, it’s important to pay attention to the bigger picture and to implement the necessary practices to meet long term strategic goals. For additional information go to employee training plan template.
Jason is the former Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog