In Case You Missed Them, Here are Some L&D Articles Highlights

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Happy Labor Day to our American readers, and hope it’s a good one. To all of us, happy September! Here are some learning & development articles and blog posts that you might have missed.  If you did, you should read them, as they’re insightful and informative. Building a culture of continuous learning – Charles Jennings writes that a combined, blended learning approach for organizational learning is really what works best to training employees and support performance. “Most people get it. Classes, courses and curricula – structured learning events – don’t provide all the tools in the toolkit. They’re bit-players in a much larger world of organisational learning and performance. The part that formal, directed learning plays in overall organisational capability may be important at times, but organisations aspiring towards Peter Senge’s ‘learning organization’ – in other words, creating a culture of continuous learning – need to reach beyond simply improving structured training.”
How Generation Y Learns and What it Means for Education –  Kevin Wheeler describes Generation ‘Y’ as one that will “redefine learning”.  The generation, characterized by short attention spans, speed, and byte-sized bits of content such as from Twitter or YouTube, will indirectly force organizations to change their learning strategies to a more continuous learning when you need it sort of approach. “And because of them book-based learning, lectures, stand-up teaching, grades, honor rolls, and all the other paraphernalia of the 20th century will fade away faster than we image.”
Collaboration is about behavior, not software – Adi Gaskell writes that despite the increase in social software platforms in recent years, which have the goal to engage employees and increase collaboration, the reality is often that most organizations are not collaborative at the moment.  “You need an environment that gives people the right cues on a daily basis.  There are a number of levers you can employ to help you. ” He then lists organizational levels, workplace design, and motivation and rewards. Interesting read.
Study: 82% of Employees Stay Connected to the Office on Vacation (Chief Learning Officer) – Perhaps the most timely article with Americans enjoying a holiday weekend right now, a new survey from virtual meeting provider PGi found that 42% of U.S. employees choose to check in with the office once a day while on vacation and 40 percent report checking in multiple times a day.
Jason is the former Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog