Performance Management Strategies Best Practices
WalkMe, and numerous others, are capable of integrating with other software both to teach, watch and report. They can also step in and assist, on a daily level, to reinforce good practices as well as prevent mistakes from having quite so grave consequences.
Gamification, which is being widely embraced by the training and working world for engagement, is also a great strategy for having base performance metrics. Since gamification is very much modeled after the tabletop style of game rules and interaction, it is very statistical and numerical in its basest form.
This results in having employee stats very, very visible and easy to tabulate. Over time, it’s possible to compare history of stats at given points to easily deduce performance in an elegant and simple way that is also very easy to communicate.
Another strategy is somewhat controversial. This actually would require consent from employees, even in a business atmosphere. But, logging searches for specific keyword combinations can provide an extra look at what topics are confusing employees, as they may deign to check Google or the like for an answer, rather than spend their time and someone else’s to consult local assistance.
This is a slippery slope, and a strategy we don’t’ want companies adopting with customers as a natural progression though so this strategy, I highly recommend not using lightly. Relying on software and a model that has statistics in mind is the best route to go, but in an emergency if all else fails, you may consider this a last resort approach.
There are many performance management strategies out there, some more controversial than others, but being sensible like I have suggested works for almost everyone.
I’ve been wary of broaching this topic for a while, because it’s a little bit more about metrics and science than some other training concepts, which are very sociological. But, I can’t avoid talking about performance management strategies forever. With the advent of gamification and continuing new output of new and innovative learning models and philosophies, this is going to be an increasingly important and to some, enigmatic factor in training and in daily performance as well.
The truth is that performance management strategies are more important than ever due to the need for continuous learning in most atmospheres. With the way progress moves these days, no sooner is something learned that something better or more complex yet effective comes along.
As a result, constant learning is more or less a must. This isn’t to mistake an “endlessly learning” environment with the constant learning training model, though one can be the other, they are not synonymous.
With this state of unending learning in all things, there is an increasing need to have a good constantly updating snapshot of performance both in work and in learning proficiency.
The trick is, how do you measure proficiency in learning and performance this way? Well, there are some strategies for how to measure this, and what tools to use to facilitate it.
One of the most useful things for this task are software services which are designed with training in mind. Even in an environment which is officially not a training one, this software can be invaluable both for efficiency and for metrics.
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