Some L&D Articles / Blog Posts That You Might Have Missed This Week
The Best and Worst of of Bite-Size Learning (Chief Learning Officer) – Bite-size learning, the idea being the employees learn best in small doses on a distributed basis, is gaining a lot of traction. The article here looks at some of the benefits, as well as why some organizations have been slow to adopt.
5 Steps to Create and Deploy a Successful E-Learning Course (eLearningindustry) – Kristin Marshall writes that b efore you begin to develop your next e-Learning course, it’s important to first define the goals and purpose of the course. Are you looking to create a simple, user-friendly course or a more advanced course involving branching and scenarios? Take a look at your audience, skill set and authoring tool and outline your plan before you begin the e-Learning development process. She provides 5 steps to course success.
Five Reasons to Use Performance Support (Learning Solutions Magazine) – Marc Rosenberg provides a good “elevator speech” in support of, well, performance support. His 5 reasons for PM include diversity of options, that it’s more relevant and effective to solving specific problems than formal training, and more.
Supporting Work (Learnlets Blog) – Clark Quinn lists the different ways L&D can support performance beyong formal training courses. He divides his useful diagram into two, one which he called direct support, and the other supporting associated skills.
Please feel free to comment and give your piece of mind. I would love to hear what you think!
Have a great week!
Hope you’ve all had a good week. A trainer told me recently something profound. She said, “It only takes a single moment to understand a full day’s work.” Sometimes all it takes is a moment of clarity in life, either in our professional lives or in our personal lives, to see through all the cloudiness and uncertainty. To feel a sudden sense of understanding. Just thought I would share.
As usual, I’ve got you covered with some of the L&D articles and blog posts that you may have missed.
With that said, here are 4 articles from this week: