Training & Development Articles You May Have Missed
employee training from last week that you may find interesting.
BYOD Can Help Your Bottom Line (Chief Learning Officer)
Modern communication gadgets such as smartphones and tablet computers have greatly helped to collaborate and link workers, departments, offices and even generations closer. Ladan Nikravan, Senior Chief Learning Officer Magazine Editor, takes a look at how technology has revolutionized communication and promoted efficiency in the context of service delivery.
How to Deal With Poor Employee Performance (eLearning Industry)
Every manager has to ensure that his or her team performs and meets stipulated goals and objectives. However, it is not uncommon to find several employees whose performance fall below the set standards. How do you respond to such scenarios? A guest post of mine at eLearning Industry looks at how to deal with such scenarios without compromise your company’s values and overall performance.
Assembly Line: Instructional Designers as Content Curators (Learning Solutions Magazine)
Content curation is one of the new ways of sharing valuable information and practices. The ever increasing numbers of curators in the world is enough proof that curation is here to stay. Stacy Friedman discusses shares her thoughts on this simple, yet very deep article. She writes, “Remember, it’s not just aggregating and collecting; it’s you thinking through the design of your courses to unearth the juiciest and most salient materials for your audience. No matter who creates it (you or your curated authors), you’re still supporting the learning activities that correspond to the learning objectives.”
eLearning: From the Enclosure to the Global Learning Commons (eLearn Magazine)
eLearning also referred to as “social learning” has redefined how learning institutions offer various courses to their scholars. Here are 6 Do-it’s of social learning about elearning by David Price.
How to Create Truly Entertaining Training (Training Magazine)
Creating an entertaining training strategy is not a walk in the park. Jeff Havens takes a look at how you too can make training more engaging, impactful and, yes, FUN, without spending thousands of dollars.
Hi everybody,
Hope you all had a great weekend (and to our U.S. readers a belated Happy Thanksgiving weekend) and happy December! As you get started on the new week ahead please find 5 articles on