The Week’s Best Reads in Training
1. Three Ways to Create Innovative Leaders
Michael Lurie’s article on creativity and innovation in leadership helps us better understand the thinking and the mindsets of successful leaders. I especially liked how he demonstrates this by providing solid examples of the true cost of missing out on training opportunities.
2. Not Investing in Employee Training is Risky Business
This article by Emad Rizkalla argues that a lack of investment in employee training is a detrimental, even dangerous move. This is something I write about often and like to see others’ take on it.
3. Why You Should Invest in Training Your IT Team
Jonathan Hussell’s article illustrates the importance of providing continuous and anticipatory training opportunities to IT staff.
4. Marc My Words: Selling Performance Support
This article by Marc Rosenburg helps make the case for continued performance support. Rosenburg’s article will help you focus on the importance of “selling” performance support, and provide you with the tools to do so.
5. A Good Performance Management Checklist
This article is about the importance of establishing the processes and procedures critical to solid performance management. From tracking employee goals to aligning Key Performance Indicators, this article helps summarize the importance of maintaining excellent records for performance management.