This Week’s News in Employee Training
1. E-Learning Trends to Follow in 2015
In this article by John Laskaris he shares some great information about e-learning trends that we should all be following in 2015. He presents some critical information gleamed from outstanding infographics.
2. 5 Learning Tech Buzzwords Worth Defending
In Ben Betts’ article he defends some emerging learning tech buzzwords. You’ve likely heard of many of these, but his explanations and defense of their “buzz” is both insightful and detailed.
3. The New Age of Exploration
Clive Shepherd’s article takes us on a journey through four strategies of designer learning in a new age of exploration. This article provides insightful commentary on the learner and types of guided discovery they require.
4. Experience: Life’s Best Teacher
In Bob Mosher’s article he addresses the importance of experiential learning. He effectively argues that experience is the best teacher, and that we all must design for it.
5. 5 Key Training Strategies That We Will See More Of In 2015
From virtual classrooms to Social Learning, we tackle some of the key training strategies that we’re going to see and use more of in 2015.
Additional information can be found on our employee training videos page. Enjoy.
This week’s best in training are all exciting articles which focus on everything from experiential learning to the newest in e-learning trends for 2015.