3 Strategic Human Capital Management Principals

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Let’s take a brief look today at strategic human capital management.  It might sound like a mouthful, but hopefully I can clear up what I think is fairly understandable. Strategic human capital management is just another way of describing the same thing corporate talent development or organizational structuring also describe: the use of human resources with the keys being talents and flaws, and combining teams and dynamics in such a way as to have these strengths and weaknesses compliment one another when the team unit or environment is established. That said, I think this is a good time to actually give some tips on how to accomplish this the best way possible, because while all of these terms are frivolous renamings of the same basic thing, there’s a kernel of profundity to this, and so, it’s best to use this right, if you’re going to use it. First, be sure to use a tool that organizational learning gurus have been talking about for a long time, SWOT analysis. What this basically entails is to analyze individuals through their records, proficiency tests and interviews to lay out their personality traits, their strengths or talents, and their weaknesses. In training, this is all about finding out what training needs they have, but here, it’s more to just get that strategic human capital metric you need to continue. Second, upon having gotten this metric, form your groups by combining socially-compatible people with a combination of talents and weaknesses that overall balance out to an effective dynamic. This is the strategic part I was talking about, actually. Regard them as resources, or components, and configure them in the way in which they work in unison the best. Do trial runs of these groups before putting them to work or training, to be sure that no missed aspects of any of them becomes a wrench in the works, too. Finally, be sure to instill a concept of a greater-than-oneself goals in these individuals, or else they will be resources that do not work properly. Without a sense of accomplishment above and beyond what the individual feels or values, the entire thing will fail, and the group will not work in harmony. Strategic human capital management is just about regarding employees not by prestige or individuality, so much as their mental attributes and how they can work together to play off of each other in an orderly and productive manner. Some people would say that this kind of objectification of employees is cold, austere and even unethical, but I would disagree. When planning teams, you have to look at it this way, and when training or working out processes, you also have to be a little impersonal. At the end of the day, a good leadership professional knows where this objectification ends and the invaluable human being with human needs begins.
Head of Corporate and Marketing Communications at WalkMe and Contributing Author to Training Station blog.