This week I would like to recommend 5 articles that will enrich your knowledge about employee training. The first three articles give good insights on main topics regarding employee training and development. The fourth article gives another point of view on the subject, by suggesting how not to treat and train employees. The last article shows the process of implementing a new technology in a large company.
The first thing we have to remember when approaching employee training is the “human layer.” This article gives nice examples on how to make training programs better, mostly by making the employees feel better in the workplace (by embracing teamwork, lateral thinking, etc.)
This is a short, but very interesting article that answer a wide spread question in the employee training area – “what if I train them and they leave?” Find the detailed answer inside.
How can you make your new employees feel welcome, inspired, and proud to be starting a career in your company? In this article, Christopher Pappas shares 8 top tips to create a successful employee online training orientation program.
This article gives another perspective on the employee training and development process, by listing the worst mistakes you can do when putting your employee through the process. The worst employee training experience ever includes you forgetting to train the leadership, and not providing continuous learning.
This is an example of how even the biggest companies in the world use (and improve)
employee training videos in order to get better performance from them.