How to Build Remarkable E-Learning That Will Impact Employees
WalkMe, can boost e-learning success. Tools like WalkMe provide onscreen step-by-step guidance that help employees complete important tasks. The right performance support tool will determine how effective a system is. Job aids, tip sheets and reference guides are the foundation of the performance support system and can reduce training time and cost. Performance support tools also reduce errors and interruptions, ensure continuous learning and knowledge retention, and monitor how to improve employee performance.
Over the past several years in the workplace, we’ve seen a shift away from classroom-based training toward e-learning, or computer-based learning. Among the benefits that e-learning brings to training managers is that it’s not limited by strict time periods, which allows for both the learner to not be overwhelmed with too much information right away, as well as for the learner to be able to access training materials at any time. Furthermore, training is no longer being looked at as a one-time event, but rather a continuous process that the employee continues to undergo during their work activities.
Yet how to we make e-learning that will truly be effective and leave a lasting impact on employee performance?
The following tips suggest how employers can get the most out of their e-learning and maximize the benefits for managers and team members alike.
1. Aesthetic Appeal
Employees assign more value to polished courses, according to entrepreneur and author Seth Godin. You want the course to be visually interesting and inviting to the user. Additionally, avoid locking the navigation. While this may be tempting to ensure users read through the entire course, instead the course information loses value; users will click through without absorbing most of the information being presented.
2. Push vs. Pull Information
Both push and pull style e-learning have their advantages. Push style learning pushes information onto learners while pull style learning focuses on changing performance. Push style e-learning works on the assumption that people will learn because information is made available to them. This does not take into consideration whether any of the information is relevant or if it will stick. Pull style learning gives users a reason to look for the information and use it; pull learning shows users how the content is relevant to them.
3. Define Expectations
Building relevant scenarios is a necessary component of any e-learning course to keep the user and engaged. For a course to be effective you must clearly define what you want the user to learn and how you will know they have met those requirements. Establish the level of understanding you expect from users and build scenarios around those expectations.
4. Connect with the Audience
Most e-learning courses focus on the information in the course instead of the learner. However, at some point when creating your e-learning platform, you must connect with your audience. Ask them how and/or when they would use the content presented in the modules and use this to create scenarios. Customers, subject matter experts and learners should all feel that the content is accurate and realistic. Scenarios do not need to be overly complicated but should tap into the motivations of the learner.
5. Use Performance Support Solutions
Choosing the right performance support tool, like