Importance of Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance

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With the Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance, you will be able to achieve most of business goals one of them being profit maximization. Research has shown that there are two primary elements that are necessary in pushing any small business forward. They include employee performance and motivation. Most supervisors and managers understand this but they tend to rely on the wrong tools on the course of their business. According to Microsoft Business, using rewards which include monetary rewards should be a simple idea but to do it fairy and in an effective way can be challenging.

What is Employee Motivation?

To improve employee performance, you will need to set a motivation plan. According to Huczynski and Buchanan, motivation is a combination of various goals towards which the human behavior is directed. In other words, motivation is a process through which human goals are pursued and achieved and all social factors involved. To motivate your employees, you should ensure that all your goals and ambitions are realistic and achievable. Every time you set too low goals or too high goals, problems will eventually arise. Too low goals will lead to frustration feelings while too high goals will lead to constant lack of achievement. Ensure that your employees will accept each and every goal you have set. Another important factor in employee motivation is recognition. The level and the nature of recognition are important when working to develop self-worth and self-esteem. Therefore, as an employer you should know that the need for recognition is vital in employee motivation. All your employees will pursue goals that others particular those whose judgment and opinion is important to them will recognize and value. If there is no recognition, the employee will be dissatisfied.

The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance

Employee motivation has several benefits in your organization. There are two types of motivation which include negative and positive motivation. You can achieve negative motivation by employing unfavorable tools such as bad performance reviews, suspension, verbal or written warnings, dismissal or payment suspension warnings. On the other hand, positive motivation includes individual achievements recognition, money rewards and employee training. By motivating your employees you will be able to boost their overall performance. Stock options, pay raises, profit sharing will help you recognize your employees for doing their job and doing it in the right manner. However, the motivators do not increase the overall morale – they only retain the normal levels.

Setting Goals to Improve Motivation

Another beneficial aspect of the effect of motivation on employee performance relates to setting goals. Motivation and performance improvement is necessary in goal setting. Anytime you inform your employees about the goals you have set for your business you will be able to improve the focus and team cohesion. Harvey Wigder states that “if people are communicated to and if they understand that if things don’t work they’re not going to get incentives.” By setting an employee training station, you will be able to engage the employees on some issues that affect their morale and productivity. This will demonstrate your ability in leadership and your effectiveness in handling employee problems. There are various employee training methods that you can use to improve the effect of motivation on employee performance. As a result, your employees will perform better in their job.
Jason is the former Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog