Among the most important objectives for every company is to know how to improve employee performance. With so many techniques at their employ, choosing the best and most effective employee training methods can be quite a hard task.
Before deciding on what method to use an employee training plan should be adopted and several factors taken into consideration.
These include the training goals of a particular session, the budget for such training, who is to be trained and the available resources for the training.
The following are among the most effective employee training methods
Online Based Training
This is the most popular technique in many companies due to the numerous advancements in technology. This involves the use of engagement and guidance programs such as employee training software with immediate response for trainees. The platform should be user-friendly to make the whole training process enjoyable to the trainee. Video conferencing audio conferencing, web meetings and emails are among the commonly used forms of employee training method that are very effective when using multiple locations simultaneously. The employee training software allows the employer to track the progress of the training thus making scheduling and reporting easier.
Interactive Methods
These methods include the use of quizzes, small group discussions, questionnaires, case studies, and demonstrations. Such activities make employees feel involved, and the training is enjoyable. The more experienced veteran employees get an opportunity to pass skills and knowledge to newer employees. The advantage of using interactive methods is that there’s immediate feedback from the trainees.
Computer Based Training
This varies from simple programs to the very highly complicated programs. The text-only training has fewer interactive features and is very effective and simple to use. Virtual reality programs take simulation forms which are considered as a highly effective employee training method as one gains experience without the actual performance thus eliminating the risk of failure. Computer based training is easy to use and can often be customized.
Hands on Training Method
This is an experiential effective employee training method that involves cross-training whereby employees are allowed to experience other jobs thus giving them a variety of skills. Demonstrations are also used to grab the attention of the employee, especially when teaching how to operate new equipment or procedures for new processes. Also, coaching can be used when there is a need to focus on individual employees. The coach, normally a veteran employee or a supervisor guides the employee in developing new strategies and correcting errors. Drills such as evacuation drills may be used when training employees on proper preparedness in case of emergencies.
Classroom Training
This is a traditional effective employee training method but it is a very effective method of employee training and often used by companies. The use of the whiteboard, an overhead projector, PowerPoint presentations and storytelling are among the commonly used classroom training methods. This method is efficient because it is the best when presenting a large amount of material information or when the number of employees is extremely small. Classroom training is also very cost effective.
Outdoor Training
This is used to improve employee teamwork and help employees acknowledge what each of them does. The break from monotonous working indoors offices is a much needed one by all employees. This is the most effective employee training method preferred by most employees. It best answers the question of how to improve employee performance because it is the employees’ best choice.
Off the Job Training
This is the most effective employee training method which is done away from the workspace. Seminars and conferences are most effective when training a large number of employees. Vestibule training is also employed whereby employees work on instruments or equipment which they are supposed to work with in future thus gaining the skill in advance.
With an effective employee training plan, the above methods will, without doubt, improve the performance of the employees by equipping them with more skills and experiences