Employee Motivation Techniques You Need to Try
1. Express Appreciation
By letting your employee know that you are aware of how hard they have been working, he or she will begin to slowly turn their efforts into a habit. They are also likely to build on the characters you like to encourage. By simply telling your employee that they are doing an excellent job, you can easily motivate top performance and get ideas on how to expand and refine present work duties.
2. Occasionally Offering Gifts
As you recognize excellent performance, you can give a simple gift to your employee. This can be a fruit basket or even a plant. The gift can be accompanied with a note showing appreciation. The gift to be offered can be selected according to the likes of an employee. A good example would be giving out tickets to a baseball game for a sports enthusiast.
When an employee has put extra effort into a project and completed it in a timely manner or handled a stressful situation professionally, you can have the employee enjoy a few fully paid off days.
3. Encourage Input
Involve your employee and have them share with you different proposals or ways of enhancing working conditions. If their response is better computers, improved lighting or being allowed to work from home once per week, you can then opt to remunerate your employee by implementing some of their suggestions.
4. Have Clear Communication
Come out clearly and let your employees know what you expect from them. Take some time out and show them exactly how you want the job done in order to avoid any misunderstandings. You should also listen to your employees as it demonstrates respect and recognition. This will allow your employees to come up with brilliant ideas which can be implemented.
By showing your employee that you are confident of their ability to learn and execute the job, you will be surprised at how they not only meet but surpass your expectations. If your employee fails to meet your expectations, you should clearly communicate to them how their performance is below standard, then give them the necessary assistance in order to raise it.
Employees often want to thrive and will therefore do their best in order to avoid being on the wrong side of their employer. By using the above mentioned employee motivation techniques, organizations will have more contented and motivated workers.
There are various employee motivation techniques that you can make use of in order to make your employees work even harder. By simply showing respect to your employees and treating them well, you will be able to motivate them and have them work hard in their respective positions.
Generous raises and a decent salary can meet the material needs of your employees thereby keeping them motivated to some extent in order to keep the paycheck coming. However, money is not everything. Different factors such as flexible hours and favorable working conditions may actually result to your employees developing a positive attitude and have them put extra effort and time.
For a small employer, it may be difficult for you to offer your employees some bonuses that larger organizations use to entice their workers. The good news is there are various tried and true employee motivation techniques that you can make use of and get similar results.