Enhance Training Programs Within Your Company [Monthly Round-up]

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If you’ve been searching for a way to enhance and improve the way your company goes about employee training, then here’s the perfect set of articles for you to read! This month I’ve found posts and pieces that discuss how you can learn from your past mistakes, how you can study the companies with the most effective employee training programs, and how you can use new technology to vastly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your training initiatives. Read on!

Why training is first step in enhancing customer experience

It’s obvious that effective training benefits your employees, but recent analyses and research has indicated that good training leads to an overall greater customer experience as well. Your employee needs to possess the ability to serve and connect with your customers, something that is learned through excellent training. This article provides you with details on how to lead the type of training that creates an improved customer experience.

How to Train Employees on the Microsoft Surface Hub

The new Microsoft Surface Hub, a device used for collaboration, communication and whiteboarding, will change the way you work. This article offers employers a guide for training employees through the use of the Hub.

Preparing A New Employee Onboarding Process

When welcoming a new employee to the team, you can’t expect them to jump right into their first assignment without providing them proper training. This article offers a thorough checklist for employee onboarding, giving employers a standard operating procedure to consider when training employees. photo-1455617495052-b962cadcd5e5 (1)

How to train new employees as your company grows

When your company is rapidly growing, whether through mergers or acquisitions, training your new employees can make or break your success. The new employees will most likely have their own protocols and way of doing things, so you need to make sure you are preparing them correctly for what is to come.

How You Can Successfully Measure Your Employee Training Effectiveness

Being able to measure the success of a training strategy is crucial to understanding what practices are most effective. You must learn from your failures as well as your successes to become a better trainer.

A commitment to training equals big savings

Most managers are asked to look for opportunities in which they can reduce expenses and raise employee morale. Training has the power to do that. By investing in training, one can reduce expenses and improve company culture, leading to a happier and more capable workforce.

How To Manage A Negative Employee

Though you may spend hours vetting potential employees, it’s not uncommon to make a mistake when hiring. Some employees prove over time that they’re difficult to deal with and toxic to your culture. How do you deal with an employee like that? If you prefer trying to change them over firing them, then this article will shed some light on what it takes to manage a negative employee. [pardot-form width=”100%” height=”350px” id=”861″ title=”TrainingStation Middle Form”]

Want a good manager? Invest in training

There are many different types of managerial styles, many of which you may be unfamiliar with. The style that best suits your personality can be discovered through training! Training not only teaches managers how to listen, be flexible, make decisions, gain confidence and much more, it also helps them discover a leadership style that perfectly fits their personality.

On-the-job training: Do you know how adults learn best?

Some adults may have a more difficult time onboarding than you’d expect. It’s important to understand the most effective on-the-job training methods for adults if you want to cut that onboarding time down. Beyond that, this article sheds light on the importance of being patient and understanding when onboarding people who tend to learn slower than most.

Jason is the Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog. Jason established the Training Station blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to training, learning and development.