What Are Some Top Examples of Training Plans for Employees?

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If you’re going to ask employees to fulfill specific functions, it’s essential they have the prerequisite skills to do so. You should never assume competence, in fact if employees haven’t been training in the duration you’ve worked with them, you should probably assume the opposite. Starting with a blank canvas is a great way to mold your employees into the perfect organizational fit, which can be achieved with advanced user training. There are multiple methods to consider, with many different examples of training plans for employees. Whether you elect to use a one-on-training approach, or incorporate comprehensive group training sessions, what’s most important is you coordinate methods which suit the needs of participants. This improves the effectiveness of your approach, for equipping staff with the skills they need to maximize their potential. This will align the expertise of staff, who can work together to meet common company goals. In today’s fast moving digital age, staff must be readily responsive, and prioritize a continuous improvement philosophy. This will keep everyone up-to-speed with the latest industry developments, so they’re positioned to tackle challenges thrown their way. With so many examples of training plans for employees, this article will provide some clarity on the subject. By utilizing a combination of these methods, you can created tailored learning plans which maximize the impact of learning.


This is specifically designed for new employees, as a process which takes place over various training sessions. The overarching goal is to welcomingly introduce employees to company culture, so they feel valued, but most importantly to enable them to be successful in their new role. Onboarding is more effective when executed quickly, so new employees are ingratiated, but this shouldn’t come at the expense of putting too much pressure on new hires. Onboarding can extend from the first day of work, right through to the end of the year if necessary. Deployed by department leaders, it should help departments reach their individual goals, which in the long term will reach company objectives. You should provide staff with easy access to information, with topics that address their needs. This will maximize employee engagement, through a holistic approach that underpins the technical aspects of their position. Because most answers to questions are available within the training itself, this frees up time for leadership to focus on their core competencies.

Skills Development

Employees are never too technically trained, there is always room to learn more. For staff whose daily duties involve content writing, data analysis, and other important tasks like coding and programming, their learning scope will be far greater. It is fundamentally important to teach employees technical skills, not just to improve performance, but to boost satisfaction in their role to improve employee retention. Ongoing learning is essential for survival in a rapidly advancing business climate, to help staff adapt to the latest industry developments. Use one of many online training centers to provide a blend of learning solutions relevant to departmental needs. These can be delivered to new recruits, alongside existing employees who will always benefit from learning something new.

Regulatory Training

This is normally associated with a lack of enthusiasm, and sometimes rightfully so. Providing staff realize the importance of understanding their industry, and are prepared to meet regulatory requirements, you’ll be one step closer to motivating staff to reach your training goals. Certain employees will require certifications, and others will need compliance training which is mandatory from a legal standpoint. Sometimes these training initiatives will be government based, existing in the form of powerpoints and lectures. When devising your own methods, you’d be wise to incorporate interactive forms like videos and slides, which introduces active participation. This will reduce the mundane stigma associated with regulatory training, creating better learning platforms which align with modern online initiatives.

Soft Skills Development

Soft skills are equally important as technical skills, where the way you interact with others is directly linked with success, and how people perceive your company. Soft skills include things like communication, and will allow staff to interact effectively with their co-workers and customers. This is essential for organizational growth, and to create a productive, harmonious culture. You can have a team that’s fully equipped to deal with the technical side of things, but if they don’t have the soft skills needed to coordinate everyday operations, this will detract from their advanced understanding. Reduce knowledge gaps with soft skill training, which is largely centered on group activities and team bonding. This is a great way to build a collaborative culture, where staff are respectful and efficient. Consider activities like presentations, leadership, emotional intelligence, teamwork, and incorporate interactive, fun activities to develop the soft skills necessary to be successful. Training videos are a great place to start, but human interactions will consolidate skills considerably.
Jason is the Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog. Jason established the Training Station blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to training, learning and development.