Asking questions in job interview is a very challenging task and you should ask questions in such a way that it demonstrates that you have complete understanding of the job positions and you are enjoying your role as an interviewer. But you should be careful about the questions that you ask as there are some employee interview questions that may not impress the panel. Thus interview preparation is very crucial so that you can get make the candidate comfortable with your questions and at the same time ask all the questions that are important for your organization.
There are some employee interview questions that are most important and you should definitely ask these questions to know the strength and weaknesses of the job candidate.
The first question is “give an example from your current or previous job, the situations when you failed to meet the objectives assigned to you”
This is one of the most important employee interview questions that can help you to know the truth of the candidate and what obstacles he/she failed to meet. This will help you to know weaknesses of the candidates so that you can work on their weakness.
The second question is “tell me about the workplace situations or environment where you work have been criticized?
This is the most direct employee interview questions that enable the candidates to be honest, true and confident. You can also ask the workplace issue circumstances that were corrected by the candidate and whether any positive results came out of the situation. You can also ask in details that the candidate had to face in his/her previous jobs.
The third question is among the most relevant employee interview questions that help you to know how the employee has been transformed personally.The question is what are the important things that you have learned from your past mistakes?
The answer is very important for a successful career of the employee as workplace mistakes helps a person to learn new things and to be successful in the career. It is very essential for you to know whether the candidate has the capability to bounce back after his/her mistakes and to become a better employee in the future.
There are some common employee interview questions that you can ask the candidates who come for the job interview. The most common questions include: tell me more about yourself, the reason for leaving the last job, the opinions of your co-workers about you, the salary you earn, the company you was working in previously and what is your expected salary. You can also ask the candidate about the leadership qualities he or she posses and the ability to become a team player.
This will help you to recruit candidates who values the objectives of the company rather then thinking about themselves. You can also ask employee interview questions regarding the greatest strength of the candidate which includes the professional expertise, ability to work under pressure, management skills and positive attitude. These questions will help you to select the most deserving candidates for your organization.