Learning and Development Manager Roles and Responsibilities

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A learning and development manager is expected to meet all sorts of responsibilities. They are, for examples, expected to report to the head of the Learning and Development department, manage end to end training activities, reach out to core employees about their training concerns and work with senior level managers in order to better implement learning and development strategies for the benefit of the entire company. 

Furthermore, learning & training managers are also expected to deal with several different aspects of training, including commercial training, soft skills development, management development, inductions as well as the development of technical skills which are related to the job of the trainees. Given the wide variety of tasks and responsibilities that learning & development managers face, it’s not a surprise why they are often considered as one of the most important managers in most large organizations. 

The Different Functions of a Learning and Development Manager

The work of a learning & manager requires careful attention to both long term and short term learning goals for the organization. With regards to the long term goals, the manager is expected to make sure that their training programs and learning systems are up-to-date. Other long term responsibilities include making sure that core employees are learning what they’re meant to learn, and determine whether or not their performance has improved as a result of their training. 

As for the manager’s short term goals, they typically involve interacting with trainees, core employees, instructors and third party consultants on a regular basis. They are also expected to detect and, if possible, rectify any problems that involves their organization’s training programs. Lastly, learning & development managers are also expected to manage the schedules and daily operations of the instructors and learning personnel, so as to prevent problems, while ensuring efficiency at the same time. 

Responsibilities of A Learning & Development Manager

It goes without saying that learning & development managers are expected to oversee the training of personnel within, or affiliated with, their organization. However, aside from managing the end to end learning and development process, these managers also expected to perform the following activities: 

  • Advising company leaders and executives on issues related to training and development, which are pertinent to the needs of the organization.
  • Advising managers as well as supervisors on how they can contribute to the training and development of their fellow personnel.
  •  Identifying personnel and supervisors who are in in need of additional training.
  •  Working with third party consultants and professionals on how to improve in-house employee learning and teaching strategies.
  •  Designing in-house materials and resources for employee development and education.
  •  Developing a blended approach which integrates different learning modes, such as coaching, classroom instruction, online learning and action learning.
  •  Implementing blended learning strategies and training sessions at a managerial level.
  •  Managing the development of one or more training teams.
  •  Managing the budget for the organization’s training processes.

In addition to these activities, it’s also worth mentioning that different organizations have different needs when it comes to personnel training, which is why learning & development managers should also strive to become adaptable to sudden changes in how they are expected to do their jobs. This is especially true when we consider how often organizational learning techniques have to evolve over time, so as to absorb new forms of information and to adapt to new learning mediums at the same time. 

What Does It Take to Become A Learning & Development Manager? 

A learning and development manager is expected to have different types of qualifications, most of which are related to education, personnel management and organizational development. In most cases, such qualifications include: 

  •  Experience in management development
  •  Experience in public speaking, preferably among large audiences
  •  Experience in soft skills training
  •  Experience with people management
  •  Experience in dealing with third parties, consultants and training specialists
  •  Budget management expertise
  •  The ability to design and implement different forms of training solutions
  •  Strong communication skills
  •  Strong writing skills
  •  An articulate and confident personality
  •  The ability to control and manage large groups of people
  •  An organized personality as well as the potential of becoming an inspirational leader.

Finally, a the learning & development manager will also be expected to have CIPD or CTP qualifications (or equivalent). So if a person wishes to fill this sort of position, he or she will first have to go through the necessary training program.

What Are The Challenges Faced By A Learning & Development Manager

Because of the wide variety of responsibilities that they face, most learning & development managers are often burdened with a lot of responsibilities. This is particularly true when they are in charge of large training programs that involve several thousands of trainees as well as dozens of instructors. Under such circumstances, the manager will be burdened with responsibilities which he or she can barely handle. 

This is why responsible learning & development managers must always learn how to delegate some of their work to the right subordinates. Not only does this make their work easier, it also allows them to focus on long term concerns and, at the same time, frees up their schedule for meetings with consultants and trainers. Furthermore, by delegating work and creating an effective system which eliminates unnecessary work, a learning & development officer will also have more time to consult their organization’s employees about their training, and thus ensure a more positive attitude among rank and file personnel with regards to training. 


Personnel learning and development are important components for any large scale organization. Not only do they reduce the need for new personnel, they also help to improve the day to day operations of the company. Learning and development officers and managers are among the most important components of this process, since it is they who oversee the day to day process of employee training. 

Furthermore, learning & development managers are the ones who make sure that employee training programs deliver adequate results and thus help the long term goals of their organization. This is what a learning and development manager is expected to do, and their work is very important to most modern day organizations. Related reading materials can be found on employee development plan template page. Enjoy.
Jason is the former Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog