Home » Organizational Learning » Team Training Tips for Organizational Learning
In any organizational learning situation with a significant count of people, such as a division, department, team or entire organization, you almost always find yourself needing to implement a tram training model in order to be quick and efficient in training. This was once kind of an unfortunate if unavoidable thing, because the human element in training is a rather difficult one.
See, the thing is, in order to properly structure team training so that everyone is involved in not just the training but in driving the total team success, you need to abandon some of the old relics of learning that you’ve grown accustomed to over the years.
Team Training Tips for Organizational Learning
Today, we’re going to go over a few of these things that need to be let go of, and a couple new ideas that ought to be adopted in order for this whole thing to work better in modernity. We’ve been over this before many times, but we have to reopen topics like this to be sure that new readers get this information as well.
The first thing that you’ll have a hard time letting go of is the tired old maligned classroom model. Everyone hates classrooms, and they’re not effective. With a team model, a classroom environment places everyone alone in a crowd, unable to help one another, and competing in the aggressive sense. Teamwork is never cultivated this way, so you have to let go of the classroom model.
In organizational learning, a gamified flipped classroom is going to work better, with the students working together as a team, discovering and solving problems with teachers only as guides, and gamification replacing judgmental grades and qualifications.
You’ll want to instill a higher level of incentivization via rewards to cover team success, so that you properly cultivate that team work imperative. People will want to develop a caring for the success of the entire team, and not just themselves and those they like.
At first, it has to cater to selfish impulses of reward and progress, but eventually, it will form into a moral imperative in them. Don’t judge them for it being a selfish imperative at first. This sort of positive reinforcement is how habits are formed, after all.
Along with this, I recommend abandoning location centrism, and adopting LMS systems like Moodle or the like, so that learning, even in a team environment, can be handled much of the time over the internet. This allows them to be anywhere they want to be, and not be tethered to being at a specific place at a specific time.
Finally, one last piece of advice for you is this. You’re going to have a natural impulse for formality (a hold over from that classroom dark age), and that’s not going to work in a team environment, if you want to build social dynamism to drive organizational learning to its fullest.
A professional but informal environment is best for team training. This is a tricky balance to achieve, but it’s more than possible, and I do it all the time, as do my colleagues. Maybe that balance is the mark of someone who knows what they’re doing. Who knows.
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