It is time for another best of the month in employee training! This month we have a mixture of reasons why more and more companies are beginning to invest in employee training. And with all these companies investing a new training programs and it shows that there could be benefits for you company, why wouldn’t you?
This development manager strongly believes that all other development managers should start placing emphasis on employee training. He presents valuable reasons such as more engagement, higher retention, and increased productivity. If these aren’t good enough reasons, take a look at the article and if you’re a dev manager, maybe it’s time to invest.
There are so many benefits that
employee training can bring to your business, and Sandra Swanepoel discusses 6 important ones. From increased performance, customer service, morale and much more. If you’ve been questioning about whether or not it will be good for your business, take a look at these benefits and invest!
Including this article from EHS Today shows that employee training is really a necessity in any workplace. However, you need to make sure that the training you’re using is a right fit for your company. This article brings this into question and even offers solutions on how to customize eLearning and other types of training.
This article explains how even though it is important to hire the right workers, it is equally important to provide a good training program. As you work on hiring your next generations of employees it is vital to keep in mind that underneath the success of a company is the core, which is the employees and the program that trained them correctly.
E-Learning for training your employees is what everyone is talking about. This way of learning could greatly improve productivity, engagement, flexibility and much more. This articles explains the best way to get your employees onboard with this way of learning by presenting all the benefits. Along with these improvements, e-learning is also affordable meaning no holes in your company’s pockets!