4 Popular Training Employee Methods

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Training is without question one of the most important aspects of development, though errors are commonplace on route to developing staff. Without proper training, staff can fail to meet the heavy expectations which are so often levied upon them. Additionally, they can struggle to grow in alignment with changing market conditions. If you’re looking at training employee methods there are many to consider. Most would argue the importance of utilizing a mix and match approach. A combination of different training employee methods brings variety, which is necessary if you’re to maximize learning retention. And if you’re going to do something, you might as well do it properly As such a critical part of the employee experience, it’s mandatory you get your training employee approach correct. Otherwise you could be left with an unfulfilled, disillusioned workforce who feel incompetent, undervalued, and incapable. But what methods should you use to ensure staff absorb information correctly? If you’re seeking inspiration or simply curious to learn about how to best educate your staff, fortunately you’ve come to the right place. Continue reading for some great methods. These incorporate technological advancements, which have revolutionized the L&D sector as we know it. Regardless of the methods you choose, what’s most important is you promote ongoing training. Staff must be regularly updated with knowledge if your company is to remain competitive in ever-evolving business environments. This can be achieved by elevating a continuous improvement culture, where staff are excited by the prospect of regularly learning new things. Remember to select methods which are compatible with your worker’s learning styles, adopting a tailored approach where participants can learn at their own pace, utilizing well-suited methods. With so much to choose from in the digital age, without any further ado here are some great learning styles you can initiate in the workplace:

1. Interactive Learning

This is a method which has gained significant popularity in today’s technologically driven industries. There is a greater scope than ever before to engage participants with interactive learning methods, especially during the onboarding process. Interactive group or solo activities can revolutionize the learning experience, whether you initiate class discussions, roleplay, quizzes, or case study reviews. Interactive learning removes the negative connotations often attached to ‘uninspiring learning’. But that doesn’t mean this method is for everyone. Introverted individuals might struggle to come out of their shell in group environments, though over time they should be encouraged and build confidence. To overcome this minor obstacle, make sure you incorporate methods which ensure equal participation across the board. Build morale and empower collaboration with interactive methods!

2. Instructor-Led Training

That’s right, conventional learning certainly hasn’t been rendered obsolete. In fact, in many circles instructor-led training is considered one of the best methods available. Why? Well, through a combination of learning from an expert and enhanced interaction. Conventionality isn’t always meant to evolve, in fact you could argue if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Instructor led training can be consolidated with alternative methods, those which reinforce the content taught by experts. This training employee method usually takes place in a lecture-style environment, giving employees the opportunity to ask questions. The rapport established along the way can help build interpersonal relationships, strengthening bonds which can later be leveraged for better productivity. If you decide upon this method, remember to keep energy levels high, and retain the interest of participants with fun resources!

3. Practical Learning

There is nothing better than hands-on training. Those which simulate real-life environments are powerful, especially when they reproduce scenarios workers will face on a daily basis. How often has theory-based learning failed to replicate the type of situations workers are likely to face? The answer: very often. Practical training allows learners to conceptualize the practical elements their jobs entail. Active participation is applauded by most employees, and alongside being well-received it’s often quicker to dispose due to the ability to dive in from day one. With this being said, hand-on learning is best combined with theory to ensure workers understand the intricacies of what’s expected from them. Before you engage employees with practical learning, it helps to understand their individual learning requirements. That way you configure how much theory is necessary before diving into hands-on. Job shadowing is a fantastic example of practical learning, which can create an immersive experience like no other.

4. e-Learning

This method has dramatically risen in popularity in recent years, driven by the ever-advancing nature of technology. Though once considered a near impossibility, with the potency of resources at our fingertips, e-Learning has in some circles become the learning method of choice. What’s great about e-Learning is you can leave participants to their own devices, allowing them to complete courses at their own leisure. This is convenient, and frees up time for employees to focus on their core competencies. As a result, you won’t experience a wavering in productivity which is commonplace during training periods. e-Learning relates to any teaching method which takes place in an online environment, and it often mimics classroom style settings in a virtual environment. With a combination of audio, video, and text, learners can dive into a sea of interactive content which ultimately boosts the learning experience. What’s useful is learners can return to problem areas as they see fit, reviewing content at their own pace. Modern employees are turning to e-Learning as a method of choice, and though it’s unregulated to a degree, it’s certainly sufficient for most scenarios. With enhanced scalability and flexibility, learners can absorb a variety of information which make everyday tasks easier.
Jason is the Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog. Jason established the Training Station blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to training, learning and development.