This Week’s Best Articles in Training
#1 – What you need to know about training your employees so they’ll stick around
Mark Lukens article on employee development is a vital one. We know that employee development is critical to employee engagement but we also know that it is about more than just skill development. Lukens article will ensure that your business is focused on working with your employees to build satisfaction alongside engagement.
# 2 – Metacognition and Learning: Strategies for Instructional Design
Connie Malamed’s article presents how we learn and why it is important for you and your business. This article defines metacognition and its role in allowing employees to take control of their own learning and training.
# 3 – Convergence and the Impact of our Training Paradigm
This article by Gary Wise argues that too often businesses focus only on the roll out of training and not on its deployment or on follow up afterwards. His article focuses on convergence and the learning that is done at the point of work.
#4 – Performance Support: More than Just Training
Cheah Hui Xin’s article is about the importance of continued learning and development after training is completed. Hui Xin’s article focuses on the need for performance support so that there is training and education is not lost after an employee leaves their training session. With over 70% of training information lost after the original training is complete, you can’t afford not to take this advice.
#5 – How to Create Simple, Interactive Scenarios for Rapid E-Learning
How to Create Simple, Interactive Scenarios for Rapid E-Learning. This article by is important to creating e-learning opportunities with your business. Businesses, he argues, should be focusing on creating interactive learning scenarios for their employees.