10 Facts You Don’t Know About Employee Training Techniques

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In many companies, the top executives don’t appreciate the modern employee training processes that equip the workers with the latest skills that they need in order to succeed. Some executives feel that employees should learn their jobs or they send them packing. Well, this is a wrong approach since the study has shown that the most diligent and enthusiastic employees can easily disengage from their jobs if they’re not properly trained. It’s also true that middle-of-the-road employees – referring to those who are thrilled with their current jobs can shut down if they’re not taught the necessary skills. For these reasons, it’s, therefore, important to provide an efficient, proactive and interesting employee training that use the modern employee training techniques in order to maintain or increase productivity. Nowadays there are various employee training methods which have made processes easier and simple.

E-learning is a good example of the training method that has helped reduce employee training costs. e-Learning has completely changed the way we approach the employee training processes.For those who might not understand what is employee training techniques, e-Learning is here with us and its using modern educational technology and techniques to deliver a more effective and impressive educational experience.

Here Are 10 Facts You Should Know About Employee Training Techniques

1. Unhappy Employees Can Easily Infuse Negatively Into Your Workforce – Study shows that over 60 percent of employees around the world are not engaged due to lack of motivation. Furthermore, about 24 percent are actively disengaged, meaning that they unproductive, unhappy and are highly likely to spread the negative influence to other employees.

2. A Very Small Percentage of Employees Are Engaged – It’s believed that 13 percent of employees worldwide are engaged in their place of employment, which means they’re fully committed to their jobs and they are making major contributions to their companies.

3. The Level of Engagement is Higher in Some Sectors – According to a study done in Canada, employees working for NGOs were most engaged and those who work with the government recorded the lowest rate.

4. Preventable Turnover Is Very Expensive – Preventable turnover costs a lot to employers. In Canada it is estimated to cost businesses more than $60 million annually while in US it’s a whopping $74 million.

5. Many Organizations Feel That They’re Ill – equipped to deal effectively with employees – More than 70 percent of the companies worldwide feel inadequate and do not have the much needed human resources skills to help address employees engagement and retention.

6. Different Career Stages Have Different Levels of Engagement – Its said that at the entry level and the end of the career are the two stages where the employees are most engaged compared to those who are in the mid-stage of their career.

7. Employees With Higher Education Are Likely Are Unhappy – Employees with college diplomas and degrees are likely to be less happier compared to those who are less educated.

8. Work Relationships Affect The Level of Engagement – More than 80 percent of American claim that most determining factor to progress in an organization is the relationship with your boss.

9. Engaged Workforces Are Better Paid – most companies that engage employees do well compared to those who don’t by more 200%. This statistics are true and these benefits are also passed on the employees.

10. Top Executives Can See, But do Nothing About it – About 75% of the top managers want to increase the level of engagement but 40% of them actually take the initiative to communicate with the workers about the goals and plans on a regular basis.

Managers are responsible when it comes to improving employee engagement. Therefore organizations must provide the employee training techniques, necessary training tools and know-how to equip employees with much needed skills for them to be productive. Then you can enjoy the benefits of employee training.

Jason is the former Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog