The Scales of Employee Training Tracking Software

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What is employee training based on? What kind of factors determine its success? How do training expectations match training results? In order to answer these questions, you will need the help of an employee training tracking software. The information that you can derive from these programs will allow you to measure not only the efficiency of your training programs, but also the performance of each employee, based on factors that influence your company’s personnel development needs. So if you’re planning to buy an employee training tracking software for your organization then you should get one that has the kind of scales your training program needs.

What Kind of Scales Do Employee Training Tracking Software Use?

In order to better understand the features and benefits of a training tracking software, it’s important to look at the scales that they use. These scales are designed to measure the progress of your trainees either singly or as a group in order to allow your organization to measure the effectiveness of your training program. Here are several examples of scales which are commonly featured in many training tracking software.


It’s important to remember that time is among the most important scales used by employee training tracking software. These features are designed to track each trainee in order as to gather data on their performance. They also allow training managers to measure how a particular training schedule affects training performance, as well as the amount of time needed to effectively train a single batch of trainees.

Training Resources Used

Another scale used by many training tracking software is the number and quality of resources used for training. This feature tracks which company assets are used in training its employees and how they are utilized. They can, for example, track which training and development articles are used in certain classes, or which type of training software are required for each training program. Other programs track other items, like the number of laptops, headsets, gadgets and training accessories used. However, it’s worth mentioning that different training tracking software have different ways of resources. Some use scales to track the number of assets and resources used, while others simply itemize them.


There are tracking software which are designed to track the employee training costs of your organization’s employees. These kinds of software can tell you the total cost of your training program as well as the average cost for training each personnel. The scales used by such software are adjusted according to your company’s employee training template, and they reflect your company’s budget. This scale feature is also useful for analyzing how much money you will need to spend for training each batch of trainees.


Finally, employee training tracking software also have grading systems to measure the performance of your personnel after they have finished their training. These scales are also useful because they can be used to analyze the effectiveness of your company’s training template. The default grading system used by most training tracking software is often arbitrary but you can modify these to make them compatible with your company’s training objectives.

Jason is the former Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog