Using the Flipped Classroom Model in Employee Training

I recently touched on the flipped classroom model last month. It wasn’t an easy topic to initially broach, because its differences with more traditional classroom training are visible only at second glance, rather than on the very surface. So, what exactly is this flipped classroom model, and is it genuinely useful in a business atmosphere?

Implementing Web Based Training for Employees

Web based training, especially when pertaining to its practicality and effectiveness, is a pretty polarizing topic these days. With systems like Moodle becoming increasingly popular, though, the argument against the idea is reducing with each passing iteration of the argument. But, for the moment, this idea still has its naysayers, and some of them do

Getting your Business Strategy Game Right

So, we’ve talked a little about employee training strategy before. There are a thousand new age philosophies behind the best way to handle training so that it’s faster, more effective and less tedious and miserable for those involved. A thousand models have come around, from organizational learning and knowledge management all the way up to

Employee Sales Training Tips in Business

Employee sales training is one of the most common general purpose training fields that corporate training professionals have to deal with. In fact, many of the training models, philosophies and techniques pioneered in recent times have been tested first in sales training, given it’s such a standard environment for training itself. So, when it comes

Key Steps for Training Employees Faster

In an age of challenging economic times, companies are often faced with high employee turnover and mobility, which leads to a constant need to train incoming employees to new roles. While that is not something “negative” in the traditional sense, because businesses are looking to spend less time on training their employees, and more on

5 Translating Training Tips

In our ongoing effort to help prepare a new generation of people for the hurdles of modern training in a digital world, we’ve come to one of the obstacles that we’ve kind of dreaded broaching simply because it’s a tough nut to crack. Translating training materials across language barriers is one of those things that,