Employee Continuous Learning and Development

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Continuous learning and development has been proven to be a good model to employ in a business environment, for a number of reasons. The primary reason is that it serves to eliminate the need, at least to some level or another, of disruptive training sessions, as employees organically learn daily as they go about their daily work lives. However, despite this proving, quite some time ago, to be a great employee development philosophy, it was difficult to make it practical to do. So, we know continuous learning and development is a good idea, we’ve proven it, but how did we overcome this impracticality? With technology, of course. But, the technology to do this came from a place nobody expected, and this particular solution keeps surprising people in a lot of fields due to its inscrutable usefulness and power well beyond the bounds of its original design. What software is that impressive? Why, WalkMe of course. But, how does it work in toward this goal? It’s fairly obvious once you see how this system works, and what its design entails. WalkMe was created originally to make tutorials to guide people step by step through a complex interface easily. It integrated with a web form, and from there, it can interact dynamically with the various elements in the form. This allows it to lock fields, pop up windows with focus indication to direct them to different steps to ensure they do it properly. This learning by doing concept has a lot of positive implications in experience-based training models, as well as facilitating gamification and the like. It’s also proven itself to be excellent for various applications of self service in customer support and service, which pleasantly surprised the CS people. However, it can also help with continuous learning, because this same guidance system can continually teach, in small units, new things and skills in daily work life, especially when the work uses SaaS, which WalkMe integrates into remarkably well. With the point and click scripting system (remarkably easy) which you set WalkMe’s logic through, you can easily set up a series of long term goals for daily learning to improve skills and expand capabilities within basically any process among the employees. This same kind of skill list and scriptable behavior also allows this to implement gamification to ensure engagement and easy participation and cooperation by way of these employees as well. Before WalkMe, this kind of learning model would have been costly to implement due to the continuous human intervention necessary to deliver new goals, supervise the learning, and the constant babysitting to ensure that employees cooperated with it. Without WalkMe, this idea wouldn’t work too well, and would turn right back into disruptive training sessions, defeating the purpose. This will be the future of growing employee skill bases and making training less intrusive and disruptive. This doesn’t entirely eliminate true training periods for severely new things or larger training projects, but it certainly reduces the need for everyone to drop what they are doing and spend work hours in major training sessions, and provides the continued performance support capability that works so well. WalkMe is perfect for continuous learning and development. It’s perfect for a lot of things. It keeps surprising people.  
Jason is the former Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog