Employee Training Monthly Roundup

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This month’s article round-up has a little bit of everything for every manager or employee! If you’re a startup looking to expand, there is an article for you. If you’re an established company looking to grow, there is an article for you too. If you’re an employee starting at a new job, there is an article here for you as well.
Looking for more ways to make training soar?

1. Your Success Starts With More Frequent Employee Training

This article begins by stating a valid point: you wouldn’t want to be diagnosed by a doctor that hasn’t had training in the past 10 years. This also applies to employees in any company. The frequency of training is becoming imperative as technology and industries continue to evolve. So, it’s crucial that employees stay up-to-date with consistent training.

2. Can Training Help Make Employees More Resilient?

This article provides an interesting perspective on how training can help make employees more resilient. They conducted a small experiment, which resulted in improvements in several aspects of resilience among the subjects. I found it fascinating that training can make employees more resilient, it makes you contemplate what other effects training has on people.

3. Employers Rank Employee Engagement As A Strategic Priority

Engagement from employees has always been a key factor to better company productivity. Lately however, employers are really beginning to notice that employee engagement is a top priority for their businesses. In order to grow, companies must make more of an effort to boost employee morale which will ultimately reflect in a better company appearance.

4. Investing in Long-Term Training Can Boost Business Growth

Through the great example of Coca-Cola, this article expresses how long-term training will ultimately boost the growth of your business! Coca-Cola’s fifth largest division focuses on the goals of the people and the organization. Read about how this company grew through successful employee training programs, and how you can apply these tactics to your own company.

5. The Ultimate Guide to Training New Employees for Success

New employees strive for success, in any company big or small, but if they are not trained correctly they will not know what they are doing wrong. This is a great read for anyone starting a new position, or even for managers who would like to understand what their new employees are thinking.

6. How “Learning Organizations” Beat Natural Selection

This article is all about how employees can strive to beat the process of natural selection, and not be left in the dust. We face all types of challenges and obstacles, and we can overcome them with the theory of organizational learning. In the end, only the strongest survive, and we all want to be the strongest.

7. The Employee Training Handbook For Startups

Startups are not that different from other established companies, but they should follow their own set of guidelines in order to succeed. This handbook for training employees in startups is the perfect way to understand the process if you are a little lost. This provides you with an extremely detailed day-by-day outline on what should happen in your training programs.

 8. Why Employee Training Software Just Doesn’t Cut It Anymore

In the end, all the training programs we say are a ‘must’ do cost a great deal of money, and could hit your company’s bank account hard. So, you need to determine if the programs are a right fit for your company, and if they will ultimately make the improvements you’re looking for. Some feel that training software just isn’t enough anymore, specifically for the reasons listed in this article. If you agree with the reasons listed, then training programs may not be the best fit for your business.
Jason is the Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog. Jason established the Training Station blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to training, learning and development.