3 Foundational Time Management Techniques That Every Personnel Should Know

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Time management techniques are one of the most important and basic skills any employee must possess. Not only do they help personnel to perform their daily tasks, they are also a prerequisite for higher positions. After all, time management skills are crucial in performing daily routines because they allow personnel to be more efficient at what they’re supposed to do. This is why Training Station is available to teach personnel certain skills and time management techniques as well. This way, the trainees will be able to perform their appointed tasks in ways which are most conducive for their organizations.

Time Management Techniques to Adopt

Fortunately, time management is a fairly simple subject to understand, provided the basic concepts and goals are laid out prior to training. Once employees have been taught the basic foundations of time management, they will be able to integrate them with their daily tasks. By emphasizing the importance of employee training and time management as two inter-related disciplines, personnel and trainees are able to more effectively understand the goals of their training. So if your organization is attempting to teach your personnel about time management then here are a few core components that they should learn very early on.

Hierarchy and the Prioritization of Tasks

One of the core components of time management is to prioritize different needs. What this means is that you will need to focus most of your time on those tasks and processes which are most essential to your work or the organization’s needs. The concept of hierarchy and prioritization also exists in organizational training, but in time management, it simply means allocating most of your time and energy on those tasks which need to done first. By doing that, personnel are able to optimize the use of their time and energy.

Effectiveness of Carrying Out Specific Tasks

Effectiveness refers to the ability of accomplishing certain tasks within a given amount of time, and it’s one of the core concepts behind many time management techniques. Personnel who cannot accomplish their tasks effectively during the time allocated to them should either receive more time to perform them or employ new tools and techniques to help them work faster. Either way, they will need to accomplish their goals with whatever available time is given to them. A good organizational training program will teach them to do this and therefore do their work more effectively.

Time Management Requires Motivation

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that time management techniques emphasize the use and application of motivation. Personnel who are not motivated in their work often procrastinate or use their time poorly. Furthermore, motivation is an essential component in self-discipline which also happens to be an important component in time management. By teaching personnel to motivate themselves into complying with their time management goals, they are able to accomplish a lot more during the time that’s allocated to them.


These are some of the foundational components of time management. By employing these techniques and concepts into your organization’s time management program, your personnel will be able to have an easier time understanding the goals and ideas behind time management.

Jason is the former Lead Author & Editor of TrainingStation Blog