Most organizations use several employee training methods to train their personnel and improve their qualifications. However, choosing the right method also matters because each form of training requires certain costs and personnel participation. So if you need help in choosing the appropriate employee training methods for your company then here are five different options for you to consider.
1. On the Job Training
On the job training is a method that most of us have probably heard about. It involves a special instructor or supervisor overseeing the progress of a trainee or group of trainees. As such, the success of this method often depends upon the abilities of the trainers themselves. This form of teaching is also popularly used for teaching skilled or semi-skilled workers, since it allows them to carry out simpler tasks, leaving more skilled personnel to focus on more important tasks. Finally, it’s worth mentioning that on-the-job-training takes on various forms, including coaching, job rotation as well as special assignments. Although each of these modes of teaching are designed to help semi-skilled trainees to get hands-on-experience in their expected roles in the future, they also vary in terms of how they structure the learning process for each trainee. So if you do decide to use this method, be sure to think about which form is most appropriate for your company’s needs and theÂ
importance of employee training.
2. Off the Job Training
Off the Job training involves making the trainee leave the workplace and then devote his or her entire time to learning the job. Because of this, the trainee does not contribute anything to the company throughout the remainder of his or her learning, which, of course, represents a substantial loss of revenue for the company. The upside to this method, however, is that the trainee will be able to finish their training more quickly thanks to their temporary loss of responsibilities. Also, under this method, specialized institutes are usually the ones to handle most of the employee’s training, which means that the company is basically outsourcing the training of its personnel to outside institutions.
3. Vestibule Training
Vestibule training involves sessions at a separate location (i.e. formal classrooms). This is mainly intended for large groups of trainees, and tends to focus on theoretical subjects related to the organization’s operations. These programs are often implemented for machine operators, typists and computer personnel. They are also very useful for improving each trainee’s mental abilities, such as their problem solving or analytical skills. Finally, it’s worth mentioning that due to the particular nature of this training method, the role of supervisors are not necessary since most of the actual teaching process is handled by the instructors.
4. Learner Training
Learner training is a special method that is intended for personnel who are expected to work in semi-skilled jobs, but who lack the basic knowledge to do them. This method often involves the same education given in vocational schools and in certain cases may involve actual vocational schools to handle the teaching of the employees themselves. Under this system, trainees and personnel are expected to participate in workshops, which will give them the necessary training to handle their expected roles in the company. Once they have been properly trained, they will be assigned regular positions in their organization based on their new qualifications.
5. Employee Training Software
Of all the different methods available, the use of
employee training tracking software is probably the most unconventional of them all, since it relies on automation instead of educational interaction. Most software is essentially pre-packaged modules that will allow trainees to learn their lessons at their own pace and at their own time. So in a sense, it’s a form of self-learning. However, it’s also important to point out that most software is carefully designed and customized to serve the needs of the organization that created or ordered them. Also, because training software can be duplicated, they are reasonably cheaper than most other types of employee training methods. The downside to this approach, however, is that training software often cannot replicate actual learning conditions without strong dedication on the part of the trainee. Despite this particular flaw, however, many companies find this form of employee learning very rewarding, especially when examined under a cost-benefit analysis.
types of employee training method has its unique features, and these features will ultimately determine the cost, the versatility and the rate of success of your company’s teaching programs. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that most of these methods were designed to accomplish certain teaching goals, which means that they are qualitatively different from each other. So if you are looking for
employee training software and methods which are appropriate for your organization’s needs then it’s important that you pay attention to each distinct feature, as that will determine their suitability to what you’re looking for.
Recommended materials can be found onÂ
employee development plan template page.