Crafting the Right Employee Training Program

Employee training programs at all job levels can offer tremendous long-term term benefits to both employees and their organizations. The tricky part, however, is making sure that your company’s training program is well suited for its needs, otherwise their effectiveness will only be limited to entry level personnel. So if you want to develop the

Building an Employee Training and Development Series

In order to develop an effective employee training and development series, it’s important to remember that they are not just meant to teach a specific skill or set of skills. They are also designed to expand your personnel’s qualifications, so that they will be able to perform more advanced tasks and duties. For example, if

3 Gamification Examples to Try in Your Employee Training

There are all kinds of gamification examples in the corporate world. However, it’s also important to know precisely what gamification is, and what it’s meant to achieve. In its most basic form, gamification refers to the concept of using and applying game mechanics as well as game design techniques to motivate people to perform certain

3 Foundational Time Management Techniques That Every Personnel Should Know

Time management techniques are one of the most important and basic skills any employee must possess. Not only do they help personnel to perform their daily tasks, they are also a prerequisite for higher positions. After all, time management skills are crucial in performing daily routines because they allow personnel to be more efficient at

5 Ways To Help Unproductive Employees

Productivity is an essential concern for any company. Employers and managers must ensure that employees are productive and that their actions contribute to the organization. So the question is: how can you help unproductive employees? How To Help Unproductive Employees Training employees is an integral part to fostering productivity in the early days of hiring.

Video: Social Media at Work

Technological growth of social media has a paradoxical nature. On one hand, it is quick to be adopted by the average consumers. But on the other hand, organizations are unwilling to integrate them. Red Sky Vision illustrates this disconnect between workplaces and social media and how it is currently being reconciled. Organizations are usually risk-averse.