The Greatest Training Reads
Embracing a Learning Culture: Don’t Let Training Be Your Stumbling Block
Training is an important facet of business growth and development. You therefore need to embrace a learning culture so your workers appreciate the need to keep updating their skills. Kevin Young tells you why this is the best thing to do.
3 Reasons Why Training Your Employees Now is Crucial
If you thought training your employees only makes them knowledgeable there’s something more you should know. Training increases loyalty, flexibility and boosts morale at the workplace. Stephanie Gaspary talks about the need for training your workforce.
Corporate Learning 2 Go (Infographic)
More and more millennials are joining the workforce today. However, with their entry, the need for flexible and easily accessible learning options is gradually becoming the order of the day. Jessica Knell’s infographic will feed you with some crucial training trends that are important for your organization moving forward.
How Facebook and Twitter Built the Best Employee Training Programs in Silicon Valley
Facebook and Twitter are the two biggest names in the social media world today. But how did they roll-out their training to achieve so much in less than 5 years? Max Nisen shares the Facebook/Twitter training stories in this nice article.
The Web is 25 Years Old Today – So How Has it Changed the Way We Learn?
Training has become pretty easy to roll-out of late, unlike 25 years ago – all thanks to the Internet. Jane Hart took time to analyze how the Internet has revolutionized training and what the future holds for trainers and trainees. You’ve got to read her beautiful work.
Things to Look Out for At Learning Solutions 2014
And here’s one I wrote- for those of you attending Learning Solutions, check out this article, which outlines promising sessions and exhibitors.