Jason @TStationBlog Silberman
In this week’s best in training, we see articles that discuss sustained motivation in training or learning opportunities, find sales enablement tools that help with training and motivation and identify the challenges with social learning.
1. DevLearn 2014 Conference Review
In this article by the E-Learning 24/7 Blog, we learn about the conference Dev/Learn, one of the premier events in e-Learning. This article outlines some of the best (and not so great) new training opportunities on the market this year.
2. Seven Tips to Sustain Motivation and Keep Learners Coming Back for More!
This article by Learning Solutions Magazine offers some great strategies to get and keep your learners involved. They support better engagement, uptake and commitment from learners and help you build a strong experience that everyone will want to repeat.
3. Development Mindsets and 70:20:10
In this article by Charles Jennings, he discusses the importance of encouragement for more of the workforce to engage with developmental mindsets.
4. Social Learning is Voluntary; Collaboration Platforms are Enablers
In this article by Sahana Chattopadhyay she discusses the problem with forcing people to use social media in courses or even in the workplace while confusing compliance with engagement.
5. 5 Sales Enablement Tools to Consider
Finally, in this article we talk about sales enablement tools which can help with a company’s marketing capabilities. We outline and discuss 5 sales enablement tools to consider in order to boost your marketing and sales strategies.
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