3 Gamification Examples to Try in Your Employee Training

There are all kinds of gamification examples in the corporate world. However, it’s also important to know precisely what gamification is, and what it’s meant to achieve. In its most basic form, gamification refers to the concept of using and applying game mechanics as well as game design techniques to motivate people to perform certain

3 Employee Training Methods for Managers

There are many different kinds of employee training methods, but certain methods are best implemented by specific types of employee personnel. For example, in a classroom environment, instructors and lecturers are obviously the best suited for this line of work. Likewise, there are also plenty of training methods that require specific personnel other than trained

Great Video: Morf Media Corporate Training Gamification

Learning through play has been shown to be the most effective method of acquiring new skills. This explains why companies that have “gamified” their training have the best resulted from their training programs. I found this short video clip by Morf Media, which is quite informative about gamification. This video highlights the benefits of gamification

The Benefits of Employee Training Software

If your organization wants to use employee training software, then it’s important that you understand both the benefits and limitations. Although these kinds of software can have a tremendous impact on the quality of your company’s training programs, their actual value must also be subjected to careful scrutiny. So when weighing the various employee training