The Pros and Cons of Employee Training Video Conferencing

Providing necessary inputs about the company and business is best possible through advanced video conferencing sessions highlighting employee training in an exclusive manner. Diverse range of tools and programs are now available in this regard because of which ultimate quality standards could be explored in an eventual manner. Increasing the efficiency levels of an organization

The Best in Training

#1- The New Learning Manifesto Laura Martin writes that learning will be continuous, personalized and bit-sized. The concept of learning/training has changed dramatically and it has been adapted to the needs of the modern society – nowadays, employees are being given smaller chunks of information that are easier to digest. Also, the modern training techniques

Contract Learning Defined

Journalism of this sort can on occasion be a humbling experience. The case of contract learning is just such a situation. It’s very rare that I not only don’t know what something is, within this field of all things, let alone find it really hard to find out. In this age of instant information, that’s

Active Learning Defined

Oh boy. This is one of those I knew was coming, and I get to spend a moment mildly complaining about another phenomenon in terminology. Like buzzwords, umbrella terms are something which can refer to several specific things sharing a common major trait, which is expressed by said term. Well, active learning is just such