Infographic – Great Tips to Nail Employee Training in the Digital Age

Being a good trainer is almost like being a mind reader, because you have to guess what goes on in your audience’s head and adapt your training program to their attention and needs. This means that the people waiting for your training are every different than each other. Using an array of highly sophisticated digital

Watch: From Traditional Training To Social Training

This week I bring you Harold Jarche, is an international consultant and speaker, helping people and businesses understand the new era of digital work. Harold supports organizations in improving performance through social learning and utilizes the experience he gained after serving over 20 years in the Canadian Armed Forces in leadership and training roles. In

Training Managers, Want a Promotion? Follow these 9 Steps from Training Experts

You know that you deserve a promotion. Now, your New Years resolution is to convince management of that. I spoke to a few training experts in the field, and gathered their advice on how to get that coveted promotion. So, here is your 9-step guide to push your own personal boundaries in 2016 to finally