Better Training Now Breeds Happier Employees Later

“40% of employees who receive poor job training leave their positions within the first year,” according to Go2HR. As I am sure most of you will agree, investing in your employees leads to a better workplace environment overall. While this may seem like a challenge financially, this investment will save you more money that you

The Training Manager’s Guide to Improving Employee Performance

As a training manager, improving employee performance is arguably one of your most important tasks. The performance of your trainees during and after their training reflects how well you have done your job. So if you need help improving employee performance then the following guide will provide you with five tips on how to do

The Training and Development Articles You Must Read

Developing a strong employee training program is not always about policy implementing or hiring the right employees. At times, it also involves going through the best training and development articles. However, you need to know that these articles don’t always need to be revolutionary. What matters the most is these articles will help your company

The Value Behind Employee Training Videos

If your organization is planning to include employee training videos in its training program then it will first have to know how to create them. Although employee training videos can offer many benefits to your company’s employee training plan template, you should also know that they are not easy to develop. Most training videos require

The Importance of Creating an Employee Training Manual

A growing business with an increasing number of staff such requires an employee training manual in order to simplify and improve the training of its employees. This is because the more personnel a company has the greater its need for a formalized system of administration, and one such tool of administration are training manuals. Aside

4 Tips for Getting Millennials Productive Faster

Your training program might need a face-lift. If you’re going to run a successful and long-lasting business, you need to make yourself attractive to the new population increasingly taking over the workplace – Millennials. And to get your Millennial workforce up and running, you need a proper training program, customized to Millennials strengths. Why do

How Creating an Employee Training Template Suits Your Business Needs

In order to understand the value of an employee training template it’s important to remember that companies use templates for all sorts of concerns, and not just those that involve training. There are, for example, templates for customer relations, templates for marketing campaigns as well as templates for negotiations. So templates are everywhere. The tricky