What Can These Game of Thrones Leaders Teach You About Training Management?

Everyone loves Game of Thrones, except the people who love the books and can’t believe what they did to Stannis. But did you know that this hit TV show contains many lessons about team management? Let’s take a look. How to Increase Employee Productivity – Lessons from Daenerys Targaryen Productive employees and a productive team

April Fool’s Day: When Nothing Goes Right, Turn Left.

April fool’s day has come, along with it – some employee training humor. I was sent this picture by a colleague about how we learn from downfalls and decreases in every department. It really made me laugh about these situations and the stories behind them. This picture depicts the extreme decrease in sales and how

How to Create an Individual Employee Training Plan Template

Ongoing employee training and development programs are natural key components of any successful business organization training. However, most businesses tend to make the mistake of providing collective training experiences. Most of these are not centered on the specific skill sets and knowledge each individual employee needs. This can particularly be detrimental when it comes ensuring

Great Video – How to Train Adults

While searching around for new training techniques, I came across a method developed by Vistelar, called the Performance-Driven Instruction method. This video discusses how your employees will want to focus on engagement, experience and feedback. Through this method, your employees will get caught up in great discussions, be able to apply their knowledge and experience

Key Factors in Developing an Organizational Training Plan

Company’s training is essential in maintaining a vibrant business and in eliminating irrelevance. But most companies fail in organization development mainly because of weak training plans. Creating a great training plan from scratch can be a hard task and you may, therefore, need an employee training template. Some companies that have to train their employees

Improve Your Employee Training Methods Learning

There are many materials and methods you can use when preparing and equipping your employees with skills so that they can do their job in a better way. But considering the many available options, selecting the method that will perfectly fit each and every training session can be hard. Therefore, selecting an employee training methods