Key Steps for Training Employees Faster

In an age of challenging economic times, companies are often faced with high employee turnover and mobility, which leads to a constant need to train incoming employees to new roles. While that is not something “negative” in the traditional sense, because businesses are looking to spend less time on training their employees, and more on

5 Translating Training Tips

In our ongoing effort to help prepare a new generation of people for the hurdles of modern training in a digital world, we’ve come to one of the obstacles that we’ve kind of dreaded broaching simply because it’s a tough nut to crack. Translating training materials across language barriers is one of those things that,

Staff Training and Development

Employee development is defined as creating avenues and facilities to give your employees new and advanced skills and knowledge. This is different from staff training because training is mostly done to new employees during orientation while development “takes place” with employees who have worked in an organization for a while. Hence training is the process

L&D Articles Round-Up from Week of November 18

Happy weekend everyone! Here are 5 articles that intrigued me over the past week. Good for some Sunday reading. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, and have a great week ahead! 1. Unleashing the Power of the People (Chief Learning Officer) Based on today’s economy, sustaining a competitive advantage largely depends on organizational talent.

3 Great Employee Training Games

By: Jason @TStationBlog Silberman For the past couple years, the idea of gamification to enhance employee training, alleviate tedium and ensure incentive and reception to training, people have unintentionally placed themselves in a position where they pigeonhole gamification into being applied in a specific way. This gives a wrong view of the scope of employee training games.