Webinar: How to Really Nail Employee Training to Performance

Recently, I had the privilege to moderate and present at a webinar, How to Really Nail Employee Training to Performance. The webinar looked at the some of the challenges of how to transform employee training into an engaging, empowering and personal experience, one which will leave a lasting impact.  We looked at concepts including strategic repetition, personalization,

Learning By Doing – A Few Options

Corporate instructors can teach in a number of different ways, and those methods are evolving each and every day. These days, it’s not just about gathering everyone in a classroom and providing instruction. It’s about letting your employees perform tasks and giving them the opportunity to perfect what they are learning. Training and development strategies

Lowering Employee Training Costs

Employee training costs are the biggest source of companies balking at the idea of training in general. There are a ton of these costs, from hiring training experts, buying curriculums, and taking the time out of busy schedules to handle the training. Everyone has to stop what they’re doing to attend these training sessions, because

5 Employee Sales Training Tips

Traditionally, employee sales training is regarded as one of the harder things to train people for. This is largely due to the human elements involved in this sort of thing. People have to anticipate the emotions, opinions and interests of the customer, and they have to convey a very paradoxical image themselves. They have to