This Week’s News in Employee Training

This week’s best in training are all exciting articles which focus on everything from experiential learning to the newest in e-learning trends for 2015. 1. E-Learning Trends to Follow in 2015 In this article by John Laskaris he shares some great information about e-learning trends that we should all be following in 2015. He presents some

Best Training Articles of the Year

We’ve seen a lot of development in the world of employee training in 2014. Whether increased adoption of micro learning and performance support, to the spread of mobile learning and the utilization of Big Data – so much has been written about that I think instructional designers, learning technology managers and L&D professionals, in general,

This Week’s Latest News in Training

By: Jason @TStationBlog Silberman  From microlearning to insights from George Bernard Shaw, this week’s best in training offer up some important insights into talent management, and changing learning styles. 1.  5 Ways Talent Management Must Change In Don Tapscott’s article he challenges what he describes as the outdated bureaucracy of talent management. He offers 5 ways that

This Week’s News in Training

By: Jason @TStationBlog Silberman From principles of future employees and security awareness training for employees, this week’s best in training cover a variety of themes in training and training leadership. 1. 2014 State of the Industry Report: Spending on Employee Training Remains a Priority Laurie Miller’s article outlines how organizations and development investments are currently at healthy levels

This Week’s Best in Training & Learning

In this week’s best in training we learn about some apprenticeship models, about blended learning and even how teaching yoga can help us gain insight into our own business’ training models. 1. Why Germany is so Much Better at Training Its Workers Tamar Jacob’s article tackles the apprenticeship model in Germany which is so effective at

This Week’s Best Articles in Training

In this week’s best of the week in training we’re given some key tips on developing internal training, measuring our training’s success, and navigating the difficulty of training new employees. 1. 7 Key Tips for Developing an Internal Training Platform Dorie Blesoff’s article showcases some of the best ways to improve employee development with this