Employee Training Evaluation – Best Practices

Employee training evaluation can be a tricky part of the training process for a number of reasons. We all kind of dread handling that, and it’s understandable. There are a host of issues, from capturing data properly, accurately performing measurements and assessments, and of course, how to approach people with the conclusions reached both positively

Employee Training Tracking Software

Often seen as dull, burdensome and something not fully relevant to everyday work, employee training is rarely something managers or employees look forward to.  Employees don’t want to have to sit through training, it’s nerve wracking, tedious and time consuming, and they usually take solace in the fact that school is a thing of the

Webinar: How to Really Nail Employee Training to Performance

Recently, I had the privilege to moderate and present at a webinar, How to Really Nail Employee Training to Performance. The webinar looked at the some of the challenges of how to transform employee training into an engaging, empowering and personal experience, one which will leave a lasting impact.  We looked at concepts including strategic repetition, personalization,

What to Do Before Buying an LMS for Blended Learning

This is a guest post by Jordan Barrish of Capterra. Plan to Offer Blended Learning? Here’s What You NEED to Do Before Buying an LMS If you are in the process of purchasing a Learning Management System, one requirement that may arise is the need for classroom training to supplement online offerings–also known as blended

Learning By Doing – A Few Options

Corporate instructors can teach in a number of different ways, and those methods are evolving each and every day. These days, it’s not just about gathering everyone in a classroom and providing instruction. It’s about letting your employees perform tasks and giving them the opportunity to perfect what they are learning. Training and development strategies