Scary, Spooky Training Mistakes to Avoid – October Must Reads

I’ve been in the October/Halloween spirit, which prompted me to think about the most terrifying, spooky, spine-chilling things that could happen in employee training. That is obviously the possible mistakes that employers, managers or employees can make. So, I’ve gathered these articles like a little child on Halloween night gathering all the treats he can

3 Employee Training Challenges Solved With Technology

It’s tempting to think that all of our problems can be solved with technology, but until we reach the singularity, training and development managers will continue to face the challenge of choosing when to use technology and not. There are many aspects of training a new employee that are achieved optimally by traditional methods –

Training a Specific Population – An Interview with Kelly Prince

Take Note! Employee Training is no longer a mindless circle of shadowing and repetition. Companies are taking a deep dive into employee training, knowing all too well this step of the on boarding process is the platform for success. I’ve recently reached out to Kelly Prince to ask her some questions on the challenges, trends

What Really Goes On in the Mind of an HR Manager

When HR Employee comes to mind, some may immediately think of those who make colorful PowerPoint presentations, as people who spend all day interviewing candidates, and others may see them as people to approach with complaints when things at the office get rough.   However, HR managers are much more than the accumulation of those beliefs.

Improving Employee Engagement with 9 Must Read Articles

What is the most important thing to remember when managing employees, especially after summertime? Employee engagement is an important key to success, and it highly important to maintain, especially after summer vacation when motivation tends to be low. We all understand how vital it is to an organization to have fully engaged employees who want to